Fantastic parks in barcelona

The spectacular Park Guell

The Guell Park is the work of the great modernist Antoni Gaudi; its aspect helped the park to be designated a World Heritage by the UNESCO. However, the park raises a series of comments and problems because some simply do not admire the architectural genius of Antoni Gaudi. The park was designed to be a private estate belonging to the rich Guell, but the project was never finished, so in the year 1922 the park became a public space. Of great beauty and importance are the main entrance and the Room of the Hundred Columns. You have to visit the park because it is clearly one of Antoni Gaudi’s masterpieces.

Park Ciudadella

The Ciudadella Park is one of the most popular in Barcelona due to its many attractions; it is the place that hosts an important number of art and culture museums as well as an artificial lake which offers you the possibility to relax on a boat. The park was originally a star shaped fortress built for Felipe V. 1715 was the year when the fortress was built, but after a long siege (as you all probably know, the history of Spain is a very agitated one) it was destroyed. However, the person who completely destroyed the Citadel and put the foundation of the new park was General Prim. 1888 was the year when the park hosted a Universal Exhibition, so many of the monuments that you see today were built in 1888 for that specific occasion. While there, make sure you visit all the gardens and see all the fountains because many of them were designed by Antoni Gaudi in his early years of life.

Park Labyrinth and Park Guinardo

Not as famous as Park Guell and Park Ciudadella, but at least as beautiful as them is the Labyrinth Park. This park was designed in 1791 and it was built on levels, each level with its own stairways and pavilions. The gardens of this park are decorated with statues showing mythological figures, so you have to visit it. The Guinardo Park looks like a wild place in the heart of Barcelona as it resembles a forest.
The Gardens of the Pedralbes Palace

These gardens were built in the typical royal style, very classic and with lots of wonderfully smelling flower beds.villa blanes You have to visit them if you want to nourish your senses!

About Author:-
Welcome to clubvillamar, A vacation home rental - A holiday where you can enjoy the comfort of your own location blanes villa and holiday homes on the location espagne in Spain. To learn more read my other bookmark at Brice Corwin.
You can also read my other articles at Brice Corwin.


A history lesson in valencia

The beautiful city of Valencia

Valencia is the third city in dimension in Spain but it is one of the most popular among tourists from all the corners of the world. Millions of people choose to visit Valencia during one of their holidays because they are all attracted by the beauty of this amazing city and by its spectacular history. As the majority of the cities in Spain, Valencia is a city that had to suffer a lot throughout the centuries as many different cultures wanted to rule over it. All these cultures left their fingerprints on the streets of the city, its buildings and monuments, its culture, customs and traditions and even on its cuisine. You have to see it with your own eyes if you want to understand the essence of a Spanish city and if you want to spend a holiday like no other before.

The history of the city

The history of Valencia starts with the Iberians; the Iberians founded this fantastic city but they could not rule over it without having some obstacles in their way. The Romans, the Greeks, the Muslims and the Visigoths, all these cultures wanted at a certain time or another in the past to rule over the city and they all managed to do it. However, out of all the cultures that passed through Valencia at a certain time in the past, it is the Romans and the Muslims that influenced it the most. In fact, for a very long period of time, the Muslim population was overwhelming the inhabitants of the city. 1238 is one of the most important years in the history of Valencia as it represents the year when the city was conquered by the Christians with King James I as leader. The city became a kingdom and the results are still felt today, as it is an autonomous city having its own institutions. Starting with the middle Ages, the periods of growth of Valencia were alternating with those when the city was in decline, so this was probably one of the most difficult periods in the history of the city. The period was extremely difficult due to the fact that the city was incapable of finding the balance it needed. location costa blanca However, starting with the 1700s, everything started to relax and the last two hundred years transformed Valencia into the beautiful Spanish city that is always prepared to receive its visitors.

About Author:-
Welcome to clubvillamar, A vacation home rental - A holiday where you can enjoy the comfort of your own villas costa blanca villa and holiday homes on the location espagne in Spain. To learn more read my other bookmark at Brice Corwin.
You can also read my other articles at Brice Corwin.


The art of flamenco

A Spanish attraction

Spain is renowned worldwide for being the country where you can never get bored; it is also a world renowned for being a country that fights to keep its traditions and its customs alive, because it is one of the reasons why so many millions of people from all the corners of the globe visit it every year.

A short history of a big art

Flamenco is one of the most famous and popular Spanish traditions and something which the Spaniards identify. When you hear the flamenco beats, you immediately feel the pure essence of the country and its special atmosphere, which is a very relaxed one. The art of flamenco is always ready to charm the tourists with three forms: singing, dancing and guitar. It is believed that the gypsies introduced it in Spain or at least played one of the most important roles in its appearance. However, the exact origins are very difficult to discover, because Spain is one of those countries that many cultures fought for, including the Romans, the Phoenicians, the Tartessos and the Moors. All these cultures left their fingerprints on the country and they somehow left their fingerprints on every little thing that forms the country, including its traditions and its customs. The Golden Age of Flamenco, which took place between 1869 and 1910, is the age when the art suffered its most important transformations, the age when it became indispensable for every Spaniard. It was in the cafes that flamenco developed and suffered the progress, those ‘’cafes cantantes’’ where even the flamenco dance appeared. The Opera Flamenca marks the period between 1910 and 1955, a period when the easier types of flamenco music appeared. However, it is 1915 the year that made Flamenco famous in the entire world and with the year of 1955, the art started to cross a period of so-called Renaissance, as the famous and popular dancers and singers started to appear.

The modern shows

Millions and millions of tourists from all the corners of the world visit Spain every year attracted by the flamenco; everywhere you go in Spain, any city you decide to visit, there surely is a bar or a pub where you can spend some nice pleasant hours watching the live shows and performances given by the flamenco artists.ferienhäuser costa blanca   It is a very special experience that you cannot live anywhere else in this world, so try it at least once! I am sure that you will not regret your choice.

About Author:-
Welcome to clubvillamar, A vacation home rental - A holiday where you can enjoy the comfort of your own location villa piscine espagne villa and holiday homes on the location espagne in Spain. To learn more read my other bookmark at Brice Corwin.
You can also read my other articles at Brice Corwin.


A short barcelona history lesson

The amazing past

The history of this city is a very agitated one and this same history has made it the way tourists see it today, but it also forced Barcelona to stay in the back and shadow of other cities for centuries and centuries. It is believed that the Carthaginians decided to found a new city, that is Barcelona in 230 BC but the Visigoths and then the Muslims invaded and tried to conquer it. The Muslims ruled the city until 801 AD, the year when they were removed from its rule; the date coincides with the one when the true history of the city began. The Catalans are the ones who took over the control of Barcelona and in the 14th century, Barcelona was even ruling a small empire by itself; this empire included Sicily, Valencia, Malta, Sardinia, even the Balearic Islands and some regions belonging to France. In the 15th century the city was hit with the plague, so its strength was lost; 1473 was the year when a horrible siege devastated and destroyed the biggest part of the city. 1714 was the year of another siege and devastation, so it is a wonder how the city was reborn from its own ashes and managed to survive and look like it does today. In 1778, Barcelona started its commerce with the Americas, so the flourishing period started to show its face to the city.

Wonderful periods

The Industrial Revolution, the Romantic Movement in Europe, the Renaissance, all these put their fingerprints on the city and helped it grow. A demographic explosion was suffered by Barcelona between the 1800s and the 1900s and the city grew even more in size and number of inhabitants, so new buildings and monuments were built. The years of the World War I and World War II were difficult as they were for entire Europe, but Barcelona knew how to fight and how to survive as it had a vast experience in its past. Franco was the person who blackened long days in the history of the city as he tried to impose his beliefs and rules by flooding Barcelona and the entire region with poor immigrants coming from Andalusia.ferienhaus costa blanca   For a city that was learning how to grow by working, this was a very harsh slap, but it knew one more time how to manage the situation, so the city that you are invited to visit today is a spectacular one!

About Author:-
Welcome to clubvillamar, A vacation home rental - A holiday where you can enjoy the comfort of your own location maison en espagne villa and holiday homes on the location espagne in Spain. To learn more read my other bookmark at Brice Corwin.
You can also read my other articles at Brice Corwin.


Spectacular holidays in valencia

A beautiful city

Spain is one of those countries in the world that has a lot to offer to any type of tourist that crosses its borders, so it does not matter what kind of interests and desires you have, your attention will surely be attracted by something in Spain. Whether you like the sun and the beaches or the high mountains, the old villages where the traditions are still alive or the modern cities which have a very futuristic aspect, you will find a place to suit your tastes. If you have decided to visit Spain but are facing problems in choosing an exact destination, I strongly recommend Valencia.

A few words about the beautiful city of Valencia

Valencia is one of those cities in Spain that became very popular tourist destinations in the past few years; it is the third city in dimension in the country with almost 1 million inhabitants, but especially during the peak season it becomes a very crowded place as tourists come to visit it from all the corners of the world. It is easy to understand why it is such a popular city: it is a very fashionable one and a very hot tourist destination, so how can one not easily fall in love with it? In addition to all this, it is also a very important cultural centre for the region and for the entire country as well as a very famous industrial centre. As a tourist, you have to visit its centre which is one of its most beautiful areas; since the centre of the city is not too big, you can visit it on foot, so you do not even have to worry about transportation. The centre of the city overflows with history: visit the Cathedral and the Old Quarter; they definitely deserve your attention. There is one thing about Valencia that attracts tourists: you will not find just one architectural type here but a fine combination of several. You will have the chance to nourish your senses with Gothic, Modern and Baroque architecture and you will learn a lot about the city if you visit its museums. ferienwohnungen lloret de mar  If you are looking for another type of entertainment, you can go to the beach for a nice relaxation in the sun or visit the Turia Gardens and taste the delicious paella as Valencia is the place where this delicious dish was born.

About Author:-
Welcome to clubvillamar, A vacation home rental - A holiday where you can enjoy the comfort of your own vakantiehuis costa blanca villa and holiday homes on the location espagne in Spain. To learn more read my other bookmark at Brice Corwin.
You can also read my other articles at Brice Corwin.



A few attractions of Alicante

No one is quite sure exactly what attracts tourists to Spain, but every year millions and millions of people from all over the world visit it. It might be the landscapes, which are absolutely breathtaking, the diversity of its modern cities, the charming villages, the spectacular customs and traditions or the delicious cuisine. Regardless of the reason, it seems as if people fall in love with Spain as soon as they step onto its soil. There is no reason why you shouldn’t visit Spain because it does not matter what types of interests you may have. You will definitely find something to attract you and pique your interest. Alicante is one of the main attractions of Spain, a seaside holiday resort situated on the warm Costa Blanca. This particular city enjoys a spectacular Mediterranean climate, the type of climate that soothes tourists as they enjoy Alicante’s very pleasant, relaxed atmosphere. When you first visit Alicante, make sure you see all its districts. Discover it and explore it street by street and corner by corner. This is the only way in which you will come to understand the city’s essence. Alicante has a spectacular Old Town with fantastic old buildings that take you on a trip into the past of the city. There is also the beautiful City Hall, a long list of museums, theatres, cinemas, parks and last, but certainly not least, the beaches. These beaches are what has made Alicante into such a popular seaside resort in Spain. All of Alicante’s beaches have been awarded the European Blue Flag for the excellent conditions they offer.

San Juan Beach

The most popular beach in Alicante is San Juan Beach. It is the favorite place for thousands of tourists who love the sun because it is a beautiful beach with spectacular views. Besides being one of the most popular beaches in Spain and the most popular one in Alicante, San Juan Beach is also the biggest beach in Alicante. With 7 kilometers in length and 80 meters in width, San Juan Beach is a real summer paradise with gentle waves perfect for those who simply want to relax. The beach has one other advantage. It is easy to reach from any part of the city by taking the number 21 or the number 22 bus. At ferienhäuser costa brava
the beach also has a golf course with 18 holes, a series of wonderful restaurants that serve delicious food and a public gym. Come to San Juan Beach and enjoy!

About Author:-
Welcome to clubvillamar, A vacation home rental - A holiday where you can enjoy the comfort of your own location espagne piscine villa and holiday homes on the location espagne in Spain. To learn more read my other bookmark at Brice Corwin.

You can also read my other articles at Brice Corwin


A spectacular attraction

The Aquarium in Valencia is the largest one in Europe, a stunning building in which you can learn many interesting things about marine life. The building was designed by the famous Felix Candela but its design reminds many of the breathtaking work of the great Antoni Gaudi. You will find the aquarium in the Arts and Sciences City, among the other attractions of Valenca such as the Science Museum, the Planetarium, the Opera House and the Botanical Gardens. Reaching the Aquarium Getting to the Aquarium is not difficult because the entire complex was designed to be in the center of the city. If you are in the center of town or somewhere close to Ayuntamiento Square, take the number 81 bus that heads towards the Calatrava Bridge. You can also get to the Aquarium on foot if you want to enjoy the beauty of the seven picturesque kilometers along the Turia Gardens on your way there.

The buildings

The Aquarium has several buildings displaying the different species inhabiting the various oceans and seas of the world. One such building is dedicated to the Mediterranean Sea. Here you will find more than 7,400 specimens in seven aquariums that duplicate their natural environment. The Arca del Mar is the research center where the scientists try to assist in the reproduction of species in danger of extinction. The building known as the Arctic, which looks like an igloo, is the place where marine biologists monitor the behavior of whales and walruses. The Ocean building is a favorite attraction, especially for the little ones, as it is home to a colony of adorable penguins. The Dolphinarium is also the largest in Europe, with a 2,210-person seating capacity. The bottle nose dolphins star in the shows here, which are both educational and entertaining.

Other attractions

When you finish visiting all the important buildings, what you need is a nice relaxing break in one of the exquisite restaurants that are located inside the complex. The atmosphere inside these restaurants is very relaxed and pleasant with fish tanks scattered throughout the interiors. The Oceanographic Park is another big attraction of the complex as it contains an exhibition center in which you could easily spend an entire day without getting bored. While you are there, be sure to visit The Eye, a spectacular building where you will find the IMAX cinema, the Planetarium and the Laserium. Visiting  ferienhaus costa brava  will ensure that you have a holiday which is truly unforgettable!

About Author:-
Welcome to clubvillamar, A vacation home rental - A holiday where you can enjoy the comfort of your own vakantiehuizen costa blanca villa and holiday homes on the location espagne in Spain. To learn more read my other bookmark at Brice Corwin.

You can also read my other articles at Brice Corwin


The spectacular beaches of alicante

Visiting Spain

Spain is definitely one of the most beautiful countries you have even seen, a spectacular place on earth that should be visited at least once in a lifetime. It is a very diverse country, attracting people from all over the world with its diversity, which makes it very special. Spain is one of those countries where you will find absolutely breathtaking landscapes with high mountains covered by snow all year long, green valleys and long beaches covered by delicate, golden sands next to shallow waters of an outstanding crystal clear blue. Spain is also the type of country where you will be impressed by the modern, even futuristic cities and also by the traditional villages where you will have the chance to get into close connection with the spectacular customs and traditions of this amazing country. In addition to all these, Spain is also the place where the cultural, historical and architectural heritage is a very rich one, giving you the possibility of going on a trip into the past of the country. It has so many places you can visit that it is almost impossible to choose a destination. If you need a recommendation, you should know that Alicante is one of those places that you have to see once in your lifetime.

A few words about Alicante

Alicante is situated on the Costa Blanca and it is a sunny old port at the Mediterranean Sea where a seaside holiday can get almost perfect, if not completely perfect. It is a dynamic place where several cultures have left their fingerprints, transforming Alicante into what it is today. It is no wonder that Alicante receives millions of tourists from all over the world every summer, considering its beauty and the diversity of its beaches. Here is a list of the beaches that deserve your attention.

A short list of Alicante’s beaches

One of the most popular beaches in Alicante is the central Postiguet. The beach will impress you with its lovely promenade. The beach of  ferienwohnung lloret de mar  San Juan is one of the longest you have ever seen, so make sure you visit it. Albufereta deserves your attention for being a very quiet place where you can spend a few relaxing hours. Last but not the least, Urbanova and Cabo de Huertas also deserve a little attention; one of them is for nudists while the other one remains very natural and unspoilt by man. 

About Author:-
Welcome to clubvillamar, A vacation home rental - A holiday where you can enjoy the comfort of your own villa costa blanca villa and holiday homes on the location espagne in Spain. To learn more read my other bookmark at Brice Corwin.
You can also read my other articles at Brice Corwin.


What people can see in alicante

Visiting Alicante

Alicante is definitely one of the most beautiful places in Spain, a top attraction for a Spanish holiday. Are you one of those who want to visit Spain? Then you should take Alicante into consideration because it really deserves your attention. This beautiful place has a series of attractions that will guarantee your entertainment and the word ‘’boredom’’ will not be part of your vocabulary during your stay in Alicante.

Top places in Alicante

When you visit Alicante, there are a few places that you must see as these are the places that help you understand the essence of the city. The first place that you have to visit is the Alicante Castle. The castle is the work of the Moors dating back to the 10th century and it is a spectacular place. It stands on the top of a mountain but a walk up the hill is not recommendable; take instead the lift built in the edge of the cliff. When you reach the top of the hill, the view that opens in front of your eyes is breathtaking. The second thing that you have to do in Alicante is to take a tour of the city on the funny Segway. The Segway tour is a hilarious way to see Alicante, a two wheel scooter that will help you feel the pavements of the city and the wonderful breeze. El Corte Ingles is another place that has to be on your list while in Alicante. The department store is absolutely huge and you will find everything you want there, starting with clothes and finishing with music and films. The Alicante Marina is another place that has to be on your sightseeing list. It is a must to see the spectacular boats that cost probably more than your house does. The restaurants that you find along the promenade are absolutely fantastic and they all serve delicious dishes containing fresh fish. The Marina is not only the place where you have the opportunity to see some spectacular landscapes, but also the place where you can have a lot of fun drinking and dancing. The last thing that you have to do in ferienwohnung lloret de mar Alicante is to go on a relaxing walk along the promenade after you have tasted the wonderful dishes. The trees that ornate the promenade together with the beautiful perfume and the great views create a very romantic atmosphere that I strongly recommend that you enjoy!

About Author:-

Welcome to clubvillamar, A vacation home rental - A holiday where you can enjoy the comfort of your own villa costa blanca villa and holiday homes on the location espagne in Spain. To learn more read my other bookmark at Brice Corwin.

You can also read my other articles at Brice Corwin


The magic of Alicante

Alicante is described by many who visit it as a magical place on earth. Why is that? Well, Alicante is the most popular and famous resort on the Costa Blanca which is one of the sunniest coasts in Spain. This means that Alicante enjoys a pleasant and warm climate all year long, making it the perfect destination for a seaside holiday. Alicante deserves your attention because it is a place where diversity says it all: you will find here a little bit of everything. Due to the fact that the city is a very diverse one, the tastes and desires of any type of tourist can be fulfilled in Alicante. It is no wonder that it is a very popular tourist destination, isn’t it? You will find in Alicante beautiful landscapes, spectacular promenades, long beaches covered with golden sands, shallow waters of a crystal clear blue, old, narrow and cobbled streets, modern and futuristic buildings, theatres, concert halls and last but not the least, a long list of museums. That sounds like a lot of fun, doesn’t it?

Alicante’s museums

A very important attraction of Alicante is represented by its museums. Those who love art, architecture and culture will find in the list of Alicante’s museums a series of names from which they can learn a lot; this is the reason why the museums of Alicante occupy important places on the sightseeing list of the city. One of the most popular museums in Alicante is the MARQ. MARQ is the Archaeological Museum of the city, built in 1932 and moved to another building in 2002, the building that initially hosted the San Juan Dios hospital. MARQ is a very distinguished museum in Alicante if not the most distinguished one due to its spectacular avant-garde style and modern audiovisual techniques. The combination of these two brought the museum a special prize in 2004: the year’s ‘’European Museum’’. A spectacular number of objects are displayed here: no less than 80,000, all of them discovered in the Alicante area during the centuries. The objects date back to the Stone Age, the Roman Era or to the ferienhaus in lloret de mar Medieval Era. Some of the collections are hosted for just a short period of time, so make sure you include the visit to the museum on the list of your activities because it completely deserves your attention!

About Author:-

Welcome to clubvillamar, A vacation home rental - A holiday where you can enjoy the comfort of your own vakantiewoning costa brava villa and holiday homes on the location espagne in Spain. To learn more read my other bookmark at Brice Corwin.

You can also read my other articles at Brice Corwin


Alicante as the city that hosts mubag

Spectacular holidays

People from all over the world choose Spain with the hope that they will enjoy a spectacular holiday. Well, there cannot be a better choice for such a holiday as Spain is absolutely perfect. It is one of those countries where it is very easy to find something of your taste as it is a country where diversity makes the rules. It has beautiful beaches, high mountains, shallow, crystal clear waters, modern cities and small fishing villages, impressive traditions and customs. How can one not fall in love with it? A very special place in Spain is Alicante. Alicante is a seaside holiday resort situated in the sunny Costa Blanca, a city that enjoys a perfect Mediterranean climate. Why should one choose Alicante for a holiday? The answer is very simple: Alicante is a resort with a long list of opportunities for entertainment, so your holiday will be far from boring. Imagine breathtaking landscapes that surround the city, two imposing medieval castles that guard it from the top of the hill, a Baroque City Hall, hundreds of old houses, narrow and cobbled streets, impressive churches and a long list of museums: fascinating, isn’t it? If you are a person who loves art, architecture and culture, then Alicante is the right place for you.

A few words about MUBAG

You are probably wondering what MUBAG is. The inhabitants of Alicante use this word to refer to the Fine Arts Museum. MUBAG is a must on the sightseeing list, because you cannot say that you have visited a city without getting into close connection with its past, its archaeology, its traditions and its artistic heritage. MUBAG will take you on one of the most pleasant ferienhäuser lloret de mar trips to the past of the fine arts of the country and especially that of Alicante. A spectacular building hosts the museum: the Gavina Palace, a construction dating back to the 18th century. The objects you will find displayed in MUBAG are created in Alicante or in its surroundings, starting with the 16th century and getting to our days. In addition to all the beautiful paintings and sculptures, you will also have the chance to see the collections that display local furniture pieces and even textiles. A very special feature of the museum is represented by the fact that it hosts cultural events such as music concerts and seminars which have as debate art in general. If you are an art lover, you have to visit it! You will find it open from Tuesdays to Sundays. Enjoy!

About Author:-

Welcome to clubvillamar, A vacation home rental - A holiday where you can enjoy the comfort of your own vakantiehuis costa brava villa and holiday homes on the location espagne in Spain. To learn more read my other bookmark at Brice Corwin.

You can also read my other articles at Brice Corwin


Top Attraction points in andalusia

Special Spanish holidays

For those who love to backpack, Andalusia can transform into a heaven on earth. The southern province is a unique and rather exotic combination of pure Spanish traditions and roots coming from the African continent. It is one of those places where you can spend months and months and never get bored. The most attractive characteristic of Andalusia for backpackers is represented by its hostels which are numerous and offer wonderful conditions, so they can fully take advantage of that.

Visiting Malaga and Seville

The port city of Malaga represents one of the biggest attractions of the province; it does look like an utterly commercial place, but if you give it credit, you easily realize that it is an authentic city that is fighting to keep its traditions and its pure essence alive. While in Malaga, make sure that you visit the Old Town with its imposing monuments; the Cathedral, the Moorish Alcazaba and last but not the least, the charming winding streets. Seville will definitely impress you with its Giralda tower, the Cathedral and the Moorish monuments, including the palace. The flamenco is one of the most popular traditions in Seville, so if you choose to spend a few hours in one of the bars that offer live shows, you will find the time spent there a very pleasant one. Both Malaga and Seville have a wonderful offering of hostels, so there is nothing to prevent you from visiting them!


On the list of cities to visit in Andalusia, Granada occupies a top place. The city is stunning: the places that surround it are scenic and the Alhambra Palace is a magnificent monument that stands on the ‘’once in a lifetime to visit’’ list. Once you step on the streets of Granada, you fall into its magical spell. It really feels like you are in one of the fairytales that your mother used to tell you when you were a child, this is how beautiful Granada is!

The wonders of Andalusia

For a person who is in love with ferienhaus lloret de mar backpacking, Andalusia is a paradise. The olive groves, the stonewalls which are stunning even if they are dry and the whitewashed towns create an idyllic landscape that will charm you and make you wish to go back there again at least once. Give a chance to this beautiful province because it is a place where you can collect memories for a lifetime. 

About Author:-

Welcome to clubvillamar, A vacation home rental - A holiday where you can enjoy the comfort of your own villa lloret de mar villa and holiday homes on the location espagne in Spain. To learn more read my other bookmark at Brice Corwin.

You can also read my other articles at Brice Corwin


The superb malaga

Going on holiday

Have you ever thought about Spain as your holiday destination? If you have not done it so far, I strongly recommend that you do. Spain is not only one of the most beautiful countries in Europe, but it is one of the most beautiful and most attractive ones in the entire world. Once you step on Spanish land, you completely fall in love with everything that surrounds you; imagine the picturesque landscapes that seem to be taken from a fairytale story, the modern cities where the architectural, cultural and historical heritages are so rich that you need at least a few days to get to their essence and the cozy and charming small villages where the traditions are still alive! Is there anything more you can dream of?

Choosing Spanish holiday destinations

Spain has so many places that deserve your attention and so many cities that have to be on your list that choosing one for the holiday destination can become a very difficult problem. However, if you need a recommendation, here is one: Malaga. Who hasn’t heard about Malaga, the wonderful Spanish port that has about 560,000 inhabitants? It stands among the most populated cities in Spain but do not let yourself be scared by this detail because Malaga is not a very crowded place. The place where Malaga is situated makes it a very picturesque city: it lies at the foothills of Axarquia, right between the two rivers of Guadalhorce and Guadalmedina, so prepare yourself for wonderful views and scenic landscapes!

The history of Malaga

Malaga had to suffer a lot along the centuries because it represented a point of interest. It was the Phoenicians who founded what they called Malaka in 1000 BC but they only ruled the city for six centuries, then it was conquered by the Romans. The Romans were followed by the Visigoths and the Moors and the series of conquerors finally ended in 1487 when it became part of the Christian rule. In the 1960s, the tourism industry started to flourish in Malaga, so the airport was built and connections to ferienhaus spanien Morocco were introduced. Many means of transportation connect Malaga to other parts of the country, so it is an accessible destination. When you get there, make sure you visit the historical centre in order to see the beautiful Moorish fortress and the spectacular Gibralfaro Castle. Malaga is also the birthplace of the great Pablo Picasso, so keep this is mind when you go there! Enjoy your stay! 

About Author:-

Welcome to clubvillamar, A vacation home rental - A holiday where you can enjoy the comfort of your own vakantievilla spanje villa and holiday homes on the location espagne in Spain. To learn more read my other blogs at Brice Corwin.

You can also read my other articles at Brice Corwin


The hot lanzarote

Visiting the famous Island of Fire

Lanzarote is popular among tourists with this name: Island of Fire. It is a very special Canary Island, one of the smallest, but very close to the wonderful African continent. The name of the island comes from the volcanic landscape which seems almost surreal; this is how beautiful it is! It has about ninety beaches, all great for relaxation and its unique feature is that it offers a series of attractions that can be categorized as unusual. The Spanish crown first conquered the island in the 1400s, but the most important event for it happened in 1730, when a powerful volcanic eruption completely changed the aspect of the island and enlarged its surface.

The attractions of a beautiful island

Lanzarote is one of the most visited Spanish islands. Among its top attractions, the National Park of Timanafya occupies the first place, with around one million visitors every year; people visit the park attracted by the beauty of the landscapes, the purity of the nature and the immense peace and calm it offers. Its location near the Tropic of Cancer makes the island enjoy a wonderful climate all year long, so tourists can visit it in any month they want as the weather is surely not an obstacle. The main resorts of the island represent another important advantage; they are three in number: Costa Teguise, the beautiful Playa Blanca and the spectacular Puerto Del Carmen. If you ever decide to visit Lanzarote, keep in mind the fact that it does not matter which resort you choose for accommodation: you have to see them all! One other big advantage of ferienwohnungen spanien Lanzarote is its aspect: the island has managed to remain unspoilt by the mass tourism and it keeps its natural aspect, that volcanic aspect that attracts and charms so many people from all the corners of the world. Cesar Manrique had a very strong word to say in this respect: he fought to outlaw the chaotic construction of houses and hotels. For example, if you want a holiday house in Lanzarote, do not bother about choosing the color: you are obliged to paint it white! Lanzarote is not a place where ‘’boredom’’ has something to say; in addition to all the attractions mentioned above, tourists also have the opportunity to visit the Volcanic Park as well as the breathtaking underground gardens and lagoon. That is impressive, isn’t it?

About author:-

Welcome to clubvillamar, A vacation home rental - A holiday where you can enjoy the comfort of your own location vacances espagne villa and holiday homes on the location espagne in Spain. To learn more read my other bookmark at Brice Corwin.

You can also read my other articles at Brice Corwin


Having a wonderful time in alicante

Visit Spain

It is amazing how many tourists the spectacular country that Spain is manages to attract; millions and millions of visitors from all the corners of the world rush right from the moment their holiday starts towards the European country that has become so famous around the globe. They visit Spain attracted by the spectacular landscapes, the modern cities and the traditional villages, but most of all they are attracted by the beautiful customs and traditions and the great beaches. Alicante is a perfect destination, one of those places where you can fully enjoy the warm sun, the delicate sand that covers the beaches and the shallow, crystal clear waters.

Going to Alicante

Alicante is situated on the Mediterranean shores that stand along the Costa Blanca, one of the warmest and most beautiful coasts in Spain. Alicante is not the most modern city of Spain, but it has a very unique charm that wins the hearts of every tourist who decides to visit it. You will definitely fall in love with the spectacular marina, the wine bars that wait for you at every corner of the paved streets and the restaurants that serve tasty sea food dishes.

Sightseeing in Alicante

Alicante is famous as a historical city and people love to visit the monuments that take them on a trip into the past. In order to really understand the essence of the city, make sure that the historical centre is on your visiting list. The most important monuments of the city are found there, including the Santa Barbara Castle which is an astonishing work of architecture. You should also take into consideration visiting the Santa Maria Church which is an exquisite example of Gothic work built on the remains of a Mosque.

Having fun in Alicante

Alicante is definitely not a place where people get bored. It is a place where dining out is a must while on holiday there, as you have to taste the special Calamari and the Paella, or the delicious mussels prepared in red wine. The cuisine ferienwohnung spanien is definitely one of its strong points. If you are among those tourists who love to have fun when night comes, Alicante will make sure that you also have part of that. The clubs and the bars are open until late, so you can go out and have a nice drink, listen to some good music and dance!

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Welcome to clubvillamar, A vacation home rental - A holiday where you can enjoy the comfort of your own location costa brava villa and holiday homes on the location espagne in Spain. To learn more read my other blogs at Brice Corwin.

You can also read my other articles at Brice Corwin


Day trips around madrid

    Madrid and its attractions

The wonderful capital of Spain has numerous attractions for its tourists: a huge list of museums, monuments of great historical and archaeological importance, paved squares packed with terraces and bars where the delicious tapas are served and an active nightlife. In addition to all these, Madrid is located in the centre of a group of other cities to which a day trip sounds fantastic! As you can see, it is impossible to get bored in Madrid!

A few day trips

From Madrid, Toledo is just 50 kilometers away. You can easily reach Toledo by bus, car or even by train, but if you do not want too much trouble on your part, visit the city with an organized group. Toledo functioned as a capital of Spain for no less than five centuries and it is now an important attraction for those who are interested in seeing a combination of elements in architecture: Christian, Moorish and even Jewish. Segovia is another perfect destination for a day trip as it stands just 88 kilometers away from Madrid. Segovia deserves the attention of tourists because it has a wonderful palette of monuments to offer: the Roman aqueduct, the spectacular old part of the town, the impressive Gothic Cathedral and last but not the least, the delicious Castilian cuisine. A day trip can also be the one to El Escorial, just 40 kilometers away from Madrid. The most important attraction of El Escorial is represented by the Palace built by Phillip II; the Monastery is another beautiful monument. Both the Palace and the Monastery date back to the 16th century and they will surely impress you with their austere aspect. El Escorial has one more attraction: the famous location en espagne Valley of the Fallen. The Valley is the home of an impressive monument built in the honor of those who lost their lives in the cruel Spanish Civil War. The monument was built because General Franco felt the need and the importance of such a gesture; in fact, the nearby El Pardo, the palace where the General spent many of his days is open for public. The list of day trips can continue with those towns and villages that have been entirely designated World Heritage sites by the UNESCO; among them, take into consideration Cuenca and Salamanca. Doesn’t Madrid sound like a fun city? I assure you that it really is, so consider the possibility of visiting it!

About Author:-

Welcome to clubvillamar, A vacation home rental - A holiday where you can enjoy the comfort of your own villa spanien villa and holiday homes on the location espagne in Spain. To learn more read my other bookmarks at Brice Corwin.

You can also read my other articles at Brice Corwin


Spending time around valencia

 What tourists expect

There always was and there always will be a special group of tourists who want to spend a very entertaining holiday with a very wide range of activities. Well, if you choose Valencia, you definitely can erase the word ‘’boredom’’ from your vocabulary. This is due to the fact that in addition to all the things you can do in Valencia; you also have the surrounding cities and all the amazing places that deserve your attention and interest.

Fun activities around Valencia

The beach in Valencia has a reputation that does not help it too much, probably due to the fact that it is situated right next to the port. However, it deserves a few hours of your time, especially because it offers you the possibility to relax in the warm sun. The active tourists who want to go on trips can choose, for a start, a trip to La Albufera which is a fresh water lagoon that the Government decided to declare a Nature Reserve. Pollution damaged it a few years ago, but measures have been taken and it is now a very important bird watch point not only in Spain, but in entire Europe. If you want to go there for an experience in nature, take the bus that leads you to the El Palmar village. It is highly recommended to take a boat for a tour of the lagoon and then you can go and have a delicious, traditional lunch back in the village. The lagoon is not the only place where tourists can spend a nice relaxing day away from the hustle and the bustle of the big city. If you are in search for a quiet place, visit Sagunto. Sagunto locations espagne is not only a very peaceful place nowadays, but it also has a very important historical heritage: it represents the place from where one of the Punic Wars started. The attractions of Sagunto are the Moorish citadel which guards the city from the top of its hill and the Amphitheatre built by the Romans. Sagunto also has a very nice beach, situated far from the noise of the day to day life, so you can spend a few hours in the sun putting your thoughts into order. The Alto Turia is a valley where those who enjoy picnics can spend a few hours in the middle of a breathtaking landscape. It sounds like fun, doesn’t it?

About Author:-

Welcome to clubvillamar, A vacation home rental - A holiday where you can enjoy the comfort of your own villa spanje villa and holiday homes on the location espagne in Spain. To learn more read my other bookmarks at Brice Corwin.


Quality time in sanitago de compostela

A few details about the city

Santiago de Compostela represents one of the major attractions of the beautiful European country Spain. The atmosphere of the city is a remarkable one, probably due to the fact that it has a major role in a religious procession that attracts pilgrims from all the corners of the world. When you first step on the streets of Santiago de Compostela, you get a feeling of peace and quiet that does not feel like anything you have experienced so far. The centre of the city has been designated a World Heritage site by the UNESCO as a recognition of its historical and archaeological importance. The Square with its medieval streets will immediately charm you, introducing you into the holiday atmosphere that you waited for so long. Praza de Obradoiro is a must on your list because it stands among the largest and at the same time, most beautiful squares in Spain. The square is paved with stones and it is dominated by a few buildings and monuments that attract the attention of tourists with their beauty: Paxo de Raxoi dating back to the 18th century representing the building that hosted the regional government, Reis Catolicos Hostal which was at the beginning a hospital, then a refuge for the pilgrims and is now a hotel and last but not the least, the amazing Cathedral with its superb Romanesque façade, the building whose construction started in 1075 and ended only in the 1700s.

Getting to know the surroundings of Santiago de Compostela

The city’s sightseeing list is much longer than what you have read above, but it is completely up to you whether you want to discover and explore it entirely. You should know that the city’s surroundings also deserve a little bit of your attention. For example, just 25 kilometers away you will find a beautiful private palace, Pazo de Oca, which the locals love to call their “Galician Versailles”. The gardens and the chambers deserve your attention because they are absolutely splendid. Santa Cruz Rivadulla location espagne is another palace that deserves the interest of tourists as it has a breathtaking olive grove that will surely win your heart with the picturesque landscapes it offers. Santiago de Compostela is one of those Spanish cities where you can go for a relaxed holiday away from the hustle and bustle of the big cities. If you go there, prepare for a lot of peace!

About Author:-

Welcome to clubvillamar, A vacation home rental - A holiday where you can enjoy the comfort of your own ferienhaus spanien villa and holiday homes on the location espagne in Spain. To learn more read my bookmarks at Brice Corwin.

You can also read my other articles at Brice Corwin.


Visit the spectacular casitilla and leon

A beautiful region

Castilla and Leon is the largest region in the entire country of Spain and in the entirety of Europe. Castilla and Leon consists of a very wide plain, but the plain is surrounded by mountain ranges which create a very spectacular landscape. The two separate regions of Leon and Castilla la Vieja became one in 1983, forming the large province that exists today. The most important aspect regarding the two provinces is that they had a very large part to play in the history of medieval Spain. This is the reason why the elements of medieval Spain are felt in every single part of the region and in everything that forms it. The buildings, the cities, the streets, even the people and the atmosphere seem to take you back to the medieval era. The monasteries, the castles and the cathedrals show the influences of medieval times, so when you visit the region you will be impressed by its unique air. The historical and cultural heritage of the region is a very rich one and this is one of the main reasons why millions of tourists from all corners of the world decide to visit it every year. However, there are a few more attractions that make Castilla and Leon such a desirable vacation spot in Spain. The food is absolutely delicious, so make sure that when you visit the province you taste the lamb dishes. The natural parks are the unspoiled spots of the region, places where tourists who love nature can spend pleasant days surrounded by the local flora and fauna.

The main cities of the region

Salamanca is renowned for having the oldest university in Europe, while Segovia stands out due to the spectacular aqueducts built in the Roman Era which have survived to this day. Burgos is definitely worth visiting because it is home to one of the finest examples of Gothic architecture in Spain, specifically its cathedral. Leon is famous for the location costa blanca San Isidoro Church which has some outstanding Romanesque frescoes, while Zamora is popular for its fantastic Romanesque churches. Valladolid has a spectacular museum designated for the display of sculpture, while Palencia has as a major attraction a wonderful archaeological museum. You have to visit the region in order to truly experience its beauty and its spectacular cultural and historical heritage. Your holiday will be a memorable one.

About Author:-

Welcome to Villa rentals in Spain - The most beautiful villas and holiday homes on the villa costa brava and Costa Blanca in Spain selected for you also read my other articles at Brice Corwin.

You can also read my other articles at Brice Corwin.


A sightseeing tour of madrid

A few things about Madrid

Madrid is the beautiful capital of Spain and also one of its most beautiful and attractive cities. What is absolutely amazing about Madrid is its huge cultural, artistic, architectural and historical heritage. Madrid is definitely one of those cities where you can find out a lot of interesting details about the past of the country you are visiting, a city in which a holiday is not only relaxing, but also educational.

Visiting Madrid

If you are wondering what things are waiting for you in Madrid, then prepare yourself: the list is extremely long. Most of the tourists want to start their sightseeing tour of the city with its centre; actually it is completely understandable why they want to do that: the breathtaking Royal Palace, the beautiful Plaza de Toros and the relaxing Parque Del Retiro are all in the centre of the city. These are the most famous attractions of the city, so make sure you have them on your list. You should also make sure that you allocate enough time to visit them, especially the Royal Palace which is huge. However, these are not the only attractions of Madrid, the list continues.

Continuing the list

Puerta del Sol represents the official centre of Madrid; it seems like everything starts from this Gate, exactly like the American Times Square. Just a few streets away, the beautiful Plaza Mayor waits for its visitors; the square is wonderfully paved and all its sides are decorated with arcades, creating a very special medieval atmosphere. Casa de la Villa is another important stop for tourists as it is the building that hosts the old City Hall; enter it and visit its chambers, especially the chambers of the City Council. Next to the Royal Palace, which is actually built on the remains of a Moorish fortress, is the Almudena Cathedral, a place where you can take the liberty of putting an order into your thoughts. The Prado Museum is an exquisite attraction for art lovers, while those who love plants can spend a few pleasant hours wandering through the alleys of the Botanical Gardens.

Useful information

Madrid is definitely a city in which you can get lost and one of those places that has too many interesting monuments to see; in order to avoid any type of trouble, do not hesitate to use the vakantiehuizen costa blanca Tourist Office which you will find in the Plaza Mayor.

About Author:-

Welcome to Holiday villas in Spain - A holiday where you can enjoy the comfort of your own villa costa blanca villa and also receives an abundance of sun, sea and sand and also read my other articles at Brice Corwin.

You can also read my other articles at Brice Corwin.


Andalucia as a holiday destination

Why Andalucía?

This vast but beautiful region started raising the interest of tourists from all over the world only a few years ago. To be honest, I do not understand why they did not realize how wonderful it is until now. The southern part of Spain offers an ideal climate and breathtaking landscapes, not easy to find in other countries, so visit Andalucía; you will definitely fall in love with it!

The attractions of a spectacular region

Rural tourism started to develop here in the past few years and it is now possible to rent villas for a relaxing holiday away from the hustle and the bustle of the big cities, even far away from other tourists, in areas which are so remote that they seem unexplored yet by man. Even though the areas which attract the attention of those who want privacy are remote, they are accessible as two new airports have recently opened: Granada and Jerez. The ‘’Pueblos Blancos’’ represent another important attraction of Andalucía with its unspoilt traditions and customs and its way of life that has not changed too much along the centuries.  Casares or Gaucin wait for their tourists with their special architecture and unique way of life, coordinated by a very relaxed atmosphere. You can spend a few charming hours here, enjoying the tasty tapas and the spectacular views. Next on the list of attractions comes the flamenco; Andalucía is in fact the place where this famous and full of passion tradition was born. It is also the region where the bullfights were born; Ronda hosts the oldest Spanish bullring as well as the museum dedicated to this tradition that makes the adrenaline pump into your veins ferienhäuser costa blanca . The architectural pearl of Andalucía is definitely the Alhambra Palace which you will find in Granada; this is the most exquisite example of Moorish architecture in Spain. Nature lovers will adore Andalucía as it is the Spanish region with the most impressive wildlife; it is probably one of the few places in the country where you can see Egyptian Vultures, Peregrine Falcons or Red Kites in their natural habitat. As it is an unspoilt region, thousands of footpaths leading to picturesque places wait for those who enjoy spending time in nature, walking or climbing. I am absolutely sure that the more you visit the region, the more you will want to get back at least once in your lifetime!

About Author:

Welcome to clubvillamar,Discover the advantages of holiday in a great Spanish villas. Spain offers countless possibilities and Club Villamar chooses to holiday homes in all popular areas of Costa Brava, Costa Blanca, Costa Maresme, Ibiza and Mallorca - the most beautiful ferienhaus spanien in Spain and also read my other articles at Brice Corwin.

You can also read my other articles at Brice Corwin.


Tours to seville and cordoba

Beautiful country, beautiful holidays

Tourists from all around the world visit Spain every year. If you wonder why they are so attracted by this European country, it is because it is a beautiful country with amazing sights, monuments and natural attractions.
Spain is that type of country where everything is possible and that has something to offer to any type of tourist. Whether you are an energetic person or the type who prefers to relax and enjoy your holidays, there is always something for you to do in Spain.

In summer, Spain is the perfect destination for a seaside holiday, as it has  wonderful sunny beaches and warm waters along its coasts. In the winter, the high peaks of the mountains covered with snow offer you the possibility to practice all types of winter sports. If you are an artistic dreamer, visit as many regions of the country as you can, as the landscapes are extremely varied and they all are of a breathtaking beauty. Taste the delicious cuisine and take part in one of the many festivals full of joy and color and the perfect holiday is guaranteed.

Holiday ideas in Spain

There are so many interesting things to do in Spain, that after deciding on it as your holiday destination you may find yourself facing a dilemma: Choosing the region. Here is one holiday idea: Touring.
Madrid, for example, is very well connected to other important cities with the help of its train network, called the AVE. AVE is a high speed service that can take you to several amazing places in Spain, such as Seville and Cordoba. Choose, for example, to stay in Madrid and use the train service to visit as many neighboring cities as possible. A tour of Seville villa blanes and Cordoba will last for two days; you will enjoy two full days of the beauties of these fantastic Andalusian cities, with their unique architecture, their unusual, but beautiful traditions and their tasty cuisine. If you want to really get to know just one of the Andalusian cities really well instead of rushing through three or four of them hurriedly, go on a tour to Seville and you will have an entire day dedicated to it.

Give a chance to this amazing country and you won’t regret your choice. I assure you that your Spanish holiday will be a memorable one!

About Author:-

Welcome to Villa rentals in Spain - The most beautiful villas and holiday homes on the villa espagne piscine and Costa Blanca in Spain selected for you also read my other articles at Brice Corwin.

You can also read my other articles at Brice Corwin.


The wonders of catalonia

A spectacular holiday in a spectacular province

Catalonia is perhaps one of the most popular provinces in Spain, due to its capital, Barcelona. The fantastic Costa Brava is another important attraction in this region, with its wide beaches bathed in warm sun all year long. However, if the province has so many attractive beaches, this does not mean that the high mountain ranges are not part of the landscape. The Pyrenees guard the province in the northern part of it, Montserrat is one of the most curious formations in Catalonia and in Spain,  while the inactive volcanoes such as Garrotxa attract millions of tourists from all over the world because of the spectacular  landscapes.

Catalonia assures a breath-taking holiday, because it has a few typical characteristics which make it distinctive from the other Spanish provinces. The unique language, Catalonian, and the unique customs and traditions with very few elements similar to the typical Mediterranean ones, represent another important advantage of the province. Catalonia is definitely a very cosmopolitan province, probably one of the most modern and futuristic in Spain and this is the reason why it is so popular among tourists. The coast is an important attraction for those who love water sports -  and whatever the type of water sport you want to try, you have the facilities available in Catalonia. The modern cities and architecture, the picturesque natural monuments and the spectacular facilities will guarantee you a great holiday.

Catalonia’s attractions

Barcelona is not only the most popular city in Catalonia, but in the whole of Spain. It is the capital of the province and a place where Gothic architecture has made its home. Some of the most exquisite examples of Gothic architecture are available here. Visit it and convince yourself about the beauty of the city. Costa Brava is the Spanish coast where some of the most beautiful landscapes are seen, a coast with picturesque steep cliffs and spectacular coves which offer romantic scenery. Girona, the historical city of the province, is a city renowned for the Jewish location blanes Quarter which has to be on your sightseeing list. Costa Dorada is not as famous as the Costa Brava, but it also deserves your attention, because of its outstanding beauty. Tarragona is famed for the ruins belonging to the Roman Empire, so make sure that it is also on your list.
Visit Catalonia and enjoy your vacation.

About Author:-

Welcome to Villa rentals in Spain - The most beautiful villas and holiday homes on the location espagne piscine and Costa Blanca in Spain selected for you also read my other articles at Brice Corwin.

You can also read my other articles at Brice Corwin.


A unique holiday in malaga

Beautiful holidays in Spain

For those who want to go on a special holiday but have no idea about which destination to visit, Spain would be the perfect choice. The country is one of contrasts, but these contrasts give it a special flavor that attracts millions of people from all over the world. Spain has shallow, crystal-clear waters and high mountains with snow-covered peaks. It has amazing, modern, even futuristic cities, but it also has small traditional fishing villages where the inhabitants fight to keep the customs and traditions of the country alive. One thing is certain in Spain: there is surely a corner of the country to fit your expectations and preferences, a corner that suits your tastes. Maybe, for you, this corner is Malaga.

What one should know about Malaga

Malaga is the capital city of the province with the same name, but the most important thing about it is that it is one of the most beautifully enchanting cities on the spectacular Costa del Sol. Malaga, the birthplace of the great Picasso, was founded by the Phoenicians, but the Romans and the Moors also ruled the city and influenced its culture.

Sightseeing in Malaga

The main attractions of the city are its two castles. The special feature of the Alcazaba Castle, which is actually a Moorish fortress dating from the 11th century, is that it reminds visitors of the imposing Alhambra Palace in Granada. Gibralfaro Castle, built at the beginning of the 14th century, seems to dominate the city from the top of its hill. The Roman Theater, discovered in 1951 next to the Alcazaba, is one of the few remains from the Roman era still in existence. Other important attractions include the Malaga Cathedral, one of the best examples of Renaissance architecture in Spain, and the Picasso Museum, which celebrates the life and works of the great artist and showcases the house where he was born. These are just a few of the places that deserve your attention.

Accommodation, eating and drinking

One of the major attractions and advantages of Malaga is that it offers very inexpensive vakantiewoning costa brava accommodations, so treat yourself to a bit of luxury. The food is excellent, so make sure you try the fried fish; the drinks are spectacular as are the sweet wines of Malaga. If you are young and in search of fun, Malaga has a very active nightlife, so there is no chance of getting bored. Have fun!

About Author:-

Welcome to Holiday villas in Spain - A holiday where you can enjoy the comfort of your own vakantiehuizen costa brava villa and also receives an abundance of sun, sea and sand and also read my other articles at Brice Corwin.

You can also read my other articles at Brice Corwin.


A few tips for hiring cars in spain

Hiring a car

Spain is a country where tourism works perfectly; it has millions of tourists every year, people from all the corners of the world. Some of these tourists want to see more than the city they decided to visit, so they need to hire a car. Well, this might seem like an easy thing, but trust me: you need a few tips in order to avoid any unpleasant situation. The first thing that you have to pay attention to when hiring a car is to find out what types of facilities are included in the price and what types are not. You might be attracted by a wonderful price, but you should know that it can trick you because there is the possibility of that price not including the local taxes or the insurances.

What a rental should include

When you rent a car, make sure that the price includes things such as the airport taxes, a third party insurance for any unwanted situation, local taxes and breakdown costs and last but not the least, an unlimited mileage.

Important things

When you travel to Spain, keep in mind the fact that you will be in a country with days of over 40 degrees Celsius. This means that the air conditioning is a must for your rental, unless you want to die of heat. Those who travel with children will also have to hire the seats for an extra cost of €3 for a day. Take everything into consideration, even the amount of luggage you have! You will be surprised to realize that the same model of car differs in dimension from one back home. Another very important thing when hiring a car in a foreign country like ferienhaus costa blanca Spain is checking everything! Always double check the price, read the paperwork carefully, verify whether you really received the model you asked for. There is no over exaggeration when it comes to renting a car. You should even check the car for any small damage because there have been cases where tourists found themselves in very unpleasant situations. One other important thing for you, the foreign tourist: in Spain, you will have to drive a lot, especially if you want to see a big part of the country, so choose a diesel model because it will be cheaper. Good luck with your renting and enjoy the beauties of the country!

About Author:-

Welcome to clubvillamar,Discover the advantages of holiday in a great Spanish villas. Spain offers countless possibilities and Club Villamar chooses to holiday homes in all popular areas of Costa Brava, Costa Blanca, Costa Maresme, Ibiza and Mallorca - the most beautiful ferienhaus costa brava in Spain and also read my other articles at Brice Corwin.

You can also read my other articles at Brice Corwin.

What to visit in spain

Famous places in a famous country
There is no longer list than the one containing the places that you can visit in Spain. Spain is a beautiful country located on the European continent in which every part is unique and every experience you live on Spanish land can be a thrilling one. Whether you travel to see the high mountain peaks or the shallow blue waters of the Mediterranean, whether you taste the authentic culinary dishes or nourish your eyes and soul with unique architectural styles, the experience will be a rare and unforgettable one.

Starting the list

Of course, Madrid, as the capital of this beautiful country, deserves some of your attention. What is special about Madrid is that it has an original musical culture available in any bar, pub or restaurant. Madrid is also heaven for shopaholics, as well as the home to some incredible monuments, which makes it the perfect city for art lovers. Barcelona is the home of Antoni Gaudi, the great architect who created many amazing and unique buildings in the city. The Sagrada Familia Cathedral, even though it is not completely finished, attracts millions of tourists every year, people who come from all the corners of the world to see the creations of the famous Gaudi. The list of museums is unbelievable, so the city is like heaven on earth for art and culture lovers. Add to all this the affordable hotels and you have the formula for a perfect holiday.

Ibiza is the place that never sleeps, the place where the sun shines over the beaches all year long. Ibiza is popular among tourists who love an active nightlife, so it is the right destination for those who are young and active. What is great about Ibiza is that it offers you the possibility of hiring a boat for an entire day in order to have a wonderful tour of the entire coast. Malaga is a complex of seaside resorts known as the paradise for painters and artists because of its spectacular views. A holiday in Malaga is a holiday spent in one of the most picturesque places on earth. Bilbao deserves your attention due to the Guggenheim Museum, while Granada is famous for its architectural heritage, which has even been acknowledged by UNESCO. Valencia is a wonderful place for a beach holiday, while Almeria is known for its rock paintings. Enjoy villas lloret de mar !

About Author:-

Welcome to Villa rentals in Spain - The most beautiful villas and holiday homes on the maison location espagne and Costa Blanca in Spain selected for you also read my other articles at Brice Corwin.

You can also read my other articles at Brice Corwin.


Spending Time in Huelva

A perfect destination for any type of tourist

Huelva is one of the Spanish provinces that hasn’t enjoyed too much attention from the government, so not many tourists know about its existence. This is a pity because Huelva is one of the treasures of Spain. It is a place suitable for any type of tourist due to its spectacular range of possibilities for entertainment. The Costa de Luz and the Donana Park, a reserve perfect for anyone who loves the wonders of nature, represent two of its most famous parts but not necessarily the most beautiful ones. Huelva has a few hidden places that patiently wait to be discovered and explored. For those who wonder about the attractions of the Huelva province, they should know that gastronomy is one of its strong points with a number of delicious dishes containing seafood. However, Huelva is also famous for the delicious, but quite expensive, jamon de Jabugo, a special ham made in a small village in Huelva province. The wines are also quite good and they go well with the dishes served in any traditional restaurant.

The attractions of a beautiful province

The landscape of Huelva is one of its most important attractions. It lies between the Guardiana River and beautiful Portugal, so the influences are very obvious. Even though it is one of the regions that has beautiful hills, Huelva is mainly a sea destination, especially for those who want to escape from the hustle and bustle of Seville. It is understandable why so many people now feel attracted by Huelva. In the past, it didn’t raise much interest, so it now has many corners which haven’t been touched by anything that represents modern facilities. The Costa de Luz has so many large beaches covered with white sands close to shallow, clear blue waters that it seems like paradise has descended from heaven. The city of Huelva deserves a little bit of your attention, as archaeological finds have discovered that it is one of the oldest cities in location villa lloret Spain. A big attraction of the region is its traditional villages in which fishing is the main occupation. The atmosphere in these villages is very charming; there is something very peaceful about them that makes you want to go back at least one more time. Visit Huelva because it is truly one of the most beautiful provinces in Spain!

About Author:-

Welcome to Villa rentals in Spain - The most beautiful villas and holiday homes on the location en espagne and Costa Blanca in Spain selected for you also read my other articles at Brice Corwin.

You can also read my other articles at Brice Corwin.


The Magnificent Monuments of Barcelona

A beautiful city

Barcelona is one of the biggest and one of the most beautiful cities in Spain. Its main attraction is represented by the spectacular and unique architecture of the city, as Barcelona stands among the richest cities in Spain as far as  architectural and cultural heritage goes. The first monument that you have to visit when you  step into the streets of Barcelona is the magnificent Gothic Cathedral. Built between the 13th and the 15th centuries, the facade of the cathedral dates back to the 19th century. The Real Mayor Palace, another superb monument, was home to the counts of Barcelona. It is a very luxurious building and when you are there, you must not forget to visit the Tinell Salon, which dates back to the 14th century. The Gothic Chapel and the Archiepiscopal Palace are other monuments of great interest, especially for the Spaniards. Dating back to the 17th century, the Palace's attractions include a typical Romanesque court, an architectural style that most Spaniards adore.

Continuing the sightseeing list in Barcelona

Casa del Arcediano is another building that presently hosts the historic archives of the city and it is a building which was built in the 15th century over the ruins of the Roman Empire. These iconic Palaces are extremely important to your understanding of the city of Barcelona, so make sure that they feature on your list of places to visit and that you see as much of them as possible. A visit to the Generalitat Palace is another must-do: A spectacular monument which displays a combination of architectural styles, the Palace has both Gothic and Renaissance elements, but tourists especially love the patio, or the inner court, which is decorated with Gothic stairways. The Ayuntamiento Palace is another important stop on your list, and one which also has Gothic elements and a fantastic facade richly decorated with Neoclassic architectural elements. The Catalan Music Palace is actually a concert house which is built in a very modern style, which nevertheless blends perfectly with the old monuments of the city. The Pedralbes Monastery is definitely a place that religious tourists adore, because it offers them the possibility of experiencing their spiritual thoughts in a very relaxed and peaceful atmosphere. The Monastery villa huren spanje was founded in 1326 and its Museum is one of the main attractions for tourists.

Visit Barcelona and enjoy its monuments!

About Author:-

Welcome to Holiday villas in Spain - A holiday where you can enjoy the comfort of your own huren spanje villa and also receives an abundance of sun, sea and sand and also read my other articles at Brice Corwin.

You can also read my other articles at Brice Corwin.


The Amazing Beaches of Gran Canaria

A Spanish holiday

It is true that Spain is one of the most visited countries not only in Europe, but in the world, and it is also true that it is one of the most beautiful and attractive ones. Spain is such a popular country and a famous holiday destination among tourists from all over the world because it has a lot of wonderful things and places to offer any type of tourist who decides to visit it. Do you want traditional fishing villages? You’ll find them in Spain. Do you want cosmopolitan cities and visits to cultural heritage sites? You’ll find these too in Spain. Is mountaineering among your preferences? Well, Spain has numerous mountain ranges with very high peaks. Are you one of those who loves the beach? I can’t possibly think of a better seaside destination than Spain.

Perhaps you are aware that Gran Canaria is the most famous Spanish archipelago.  If you decide to choose Gran Canaria for a seaside holiday destination, your holiday will definitely be a memorable one. The Gran Canaria beaches are some of the most spectacular beaches in Spain, with delicate sand and calm waters.

The fantastic beaches in Gran Canaria

Maspalomas is a very famous beach in the Gran Canaria. It has no less than six kilometers of delicate beaches covered with white sands and blue water which seems unreal. It looks like heaven on earth and considering the fact that it enjoys very warm sun throughout the entire year, it is also a great destination during the cold Northern European winters.

Playa del Ingles is another famous beach, situated right next to Maspalomas. Its beaches are smaller than those of Maspalomas, but it is very popular because it is very well equipped for tourists to enjoy all kinds of water sports.
San Agustin is another beautiful beach, perfect for those who want to escape from the hectic pace of everyday life. It is one of those beaches where people go only to enjoy the sun and the water in a very relaxed way, without too much activity. The Puerto Rico beach is the perfect place for tourists who want to be active during their holiday by practicing water sports.
Last but not least, visit the Sardina del Mar ferienhaus in lloret de mar , which is a very cozy traditional village that has a number of picturesque beaches. Enjoy!

About Author:-

Welcome to clubvillamar, A vacation home rental - Discover the advantages of holiday in a great Spanish villas. Spain offers countless possibilities and Club Villamar chooses to holiday homes in all popular areas of Costa Brava, Costa Blanca, Costa Maresme, Ibiza and Mallorca - the most beautiful villa spanien in Spain and also read my other articles at Brice Corwin.

You can also read my other articles at Brice Corwin.


Famous Theme Parks In Madrid

Holidaying and partying

It is amazing how routine activities of people are put aside every year during the summer season and instead of being occupied with the drudgery of daily living, they begin to look for the perfect location for their precious  holidays. Millions of people the world over are interested in Spain. I have to admit that I completely understand them, because Spain really is one of the most interesting, beautiful and charming countries in the world. The moment you  step onto Spanish land, you completely fall in love with its landscape, the architecture of the cities, the charm of the small, traditional towns and villages, and the abundance of customs and traditions that they struggle to keep alive. If you really want a vacation in Spain, but there is complete confusion in your  mind regarding the exact location, I would recommend Madrid.

Why Madrid?

You'd probably ask yourself why my recommendation is Madrid. Well, the answer is very simple. Madrid is the capital of the country and a world renowned city for its unique combination of futuristic buildings and very old monuments,  representative of everything that constitutes both the future and the past of the country. The combination is such a good one that you don’t even realize the gap between centuries. It looks as if everything is new and yet that everything has been there for hundreds of years. This is amazing, isn’t it?

What to do in Madrid

The list of activities and things that tourists can do in Madrid is so long that you would probably need a couple of hours to even read through it. However, there are a few entertaining activities that you can’t miss, so here is what you should do while in Madrid: After completing the round of sightseeing,  all you need is a little bit of fun. Where can such innocent family fun be found? Of course, in a theme park! Madrid has a few theme parks of great importance to the city, because here, not only do your little ones find plenty to amuse them, but so also do adults. The most famous theme park is the one that celebrates attractions from  Warner Brothers. The rides have Disneyland themes, so I am sure that you will love it! Another famous theme park in Madrid is the Parque de Atracciones.
You will surely enjoy villa lloret de mar   the time spent there! 

About Author:-

Welcome to Villa rentals in Spain - The most beautiful villas and holiday homes on the locations espagne and Costa Blanca in Spain selected for you also read my other articles at Brice Corwin.

You can also read my other articles at Brice Corwin.


An Incursion into the beautiful Salamanca

A wonderful experience

Salamanca is one of the most beautiful towns in Spain. There is a special spirit about Salamanca that attracts tourists, and the atmosphere seems to be loaded with history, but at the same time it is a very relaxing experience. The notable feature of the city is the Villamayor stone, which is the main material from which Salamanca’s buildings are constructed. Villamayor stone has been material most used in Salamanca buildings, old or new, because it permits architects to create filigree work, due to its high concentrates of iron.

Sightseeing in Salamanca

The architectural, cultural and artistic heritage of the city is a very rich one and it will impress you right from the moment when you take your first steps into the streets of Salamanca. The Cathedral is one of the monuments that no tourist should miss, being one of the most exquisite examples of Plateresque architecture in Spain. Spaniards gave the Cathedral the name “La Nueva” because the old construction still exists in the interior of the new one. The Salamanca University is another important monument on the sightseeing list. Imagine the fact that you are standing in the precincts of one of the oldest universities in the entire world. The great university  library, which hosts no less than 160,000 volumes, is definitely the main attraction, but the old University Hospital is also a place that attracts the curiosity of tourists. Plaza Mayor is another place that tourists love visiting - this is the center of the city, the place where the biggest number of interesting monuments are found. Here in the heart of the city, lies the square where the wonderful Capuchins Church and the spectacular Purisima Church are located.

The lively streets are typical of the 18th century architecture, while the patios display splendid Renaissance elements. The monasteries are also worth your attention due to the fact that they are wonderful examples of different architectural styles. For instance, The San Esteban and Las Duenas Convents are fine examples of Plateresque architecture, while the Las Claras Monastery shows beautiful Renaissance elements. Salamanca is also renowned for its statues, which are found all over the city. The gardens especially are decorated with an amazing variety of statues. These iconic statues create the atmosphere that makes the vakantiehuizen lloret de mar city a unique holiday destination.

Visit the city and enjoy your holiday!

About Author:-

Welcome to Holiday villas in Spain - A holiday where you can enjoy the comfort of your own villa spanje villa and also receives an abundance of sun, sea and sand and also read my other articles at Brice Corwin.

You can also read my other articles at Brice Corwin.

A Tour to Escorial

Amazing experiences

Lots of people want to go on a special holiday, one that provides them an amazing experience, but they have problems in choosing a destination. If you are one of them, here is an idea: Spain. The European country is renowned for being one of the most beautiful in the world; when you visit it, you completely understand why people say this about Spain. It truly is a special country because it has a lot of beauties and interesting places to offer, each one of them unique in its own way. Some have historical importance; others are extremely picturesque while the number of cities representing different architectural styles is impressive. When you go to Spain, you find so many things to do that you can only wish for another holiday there!

Visiting El Escorial

Tours have become very popular in Spain in the last few years. Among them, tours to El Escorial are very popular because the city is a very exciting one. The San Lorenzo Escorial Monastery is a top attraction of the city, a monastery which will amaze you with its grandeur. Valley of the Fallen is another famous place in El Escorial, a site packed with symbolism, built in the honor of those who lost their lives in the cruel Spanish Civil War. The Valley is just 9 kilometers away from El Escorial and the first thing that strikes you when you get closer to it is the gigantic cross made of granite that stands on the top of the basilica. General Franco is the one who built the monument in the memory of those who died in the War; it represented such an important monument for him that he asked to be buried there. So when you visit the valley, the landscape is not the only attraction: the tomb of the General Franco is an attraction of big historical importance for Spain and the Spaniards. El Escorial is very famous for its monastery; the crypt is a place where the majority of tourists want to go as it represents the burial site of some of the most important figures of the Spanish Royal family, starting with Charles I and finishing with Alfonso XII. In order to get to El Escorial ferienhäuser lloret de mar, you just have to take the 661 bus from Madrid or one of the lines of the AVE train network. Accessible, very beautiful and with an interesting history: this is El Escorial.

About Author:-

Welcome to clubvillamar, A vacation home rental - Discover the advantages of holiday in a great Spanish villas. Spain offers countless possibilities and Club Villamar chooses to holiday homes in all popular areas of Costa Brava, Costa Blanca, Costa Maresme, Ibiza and Mallorca - the most beautiful ferienhäuser spanien in Spain and also read my other articles at Brice Corwin.

You can also read my other articles at Brice Corwin.


Rent villas in Spain carefully

If you plan to rent villas in Spain, then there are few things you have to keep in mind. The first thing is to write down all the amenities and facilities you will need in the villa. Once you have done this then narrow down on the kind of location you are looking at. And finally budget yourself include your travel expenses. This will give you a good idea of what you are willing to shell out for the villas. When it comes to amenities remember that most villas do not come with phones or Internet access. There are also very few that come with washing machines.

That’s why you need to remember that you could be charged additional for air-conditioning and laundry services. This can increase your budget and therefore you need to be clear on what your money is getting you. Remember another thing about Spain – there are mosquitoes and you will want to a keep a bug repellent lotion handy. This is especially at nights when you visit open air restaurants. When you are travelling to Spain, remember you may not always get the brands of toiletries or perhaps snacks that you cannot do without. Its best to stock up on these before you go. In case you visit Spain often, you can constantly work up a stock at the villa.

Also try and find out if there are babysitting services or chef services that you can hire to make your time in Spain even more enjoyable. Getting away from the chores of running a house can make your holiday all the more worthwhile.
When you plan to rent villas in Spain, you need to plan well in advance. Find out all the details related to booking amounts as well as cancellation charges. You will also need to check when Spanish villa owners are ready to rent out their homes. Not always will you find something you want. Try and get yourself a fairly newly built villa. Prices today are competitive and you are bound to get yourself a good deal.

The key to getting to rent location lloret de mar  villas in Spain is planning well in advance and knowing exactly what you want.

About Author:-

Welcome to Villa rentals in Spain - The most beautiful villas and holiday homes on the location espagne and Costa Blanca in Spain selected for you also read my other articles at Brice Corwin.

You can also read my other articles at Brice Corwin.


A holiday to remember

Granada is one of the most beautiful provinces in Spain, a jewel of the Moorish empire that ruled over the country for centuries. While the Moors were occupying Andalusia, Granada was the capital of their empire and a very beautiful one. The pearl of Granada is the wonderful Alhambra, but the city has many more things to offer;  narrow and cobbled streets, charming gardens, amazing bars and taverns where tourists have the opportunity to taste the delicious Trevelez ham and to drink the flavored local wine. If you are a person who is fascinated by history, a person who loves to make excursions into the past of different cities, Granada is a perfect place for you because you will breathe history here.

Main attractions

Granada’s Cathedral is the most exquisite Renaissance monument in Spain. The five naves of the Cathedral are of Gothic style situated at the border mixed with the Renaissance style, which makes them absolutely beautiful. The El Albaicin, in the old quarter of the city, contained the King’s court in the 11th century. The site still maintains the Alcazaba’s walls, as well as the arcs of several gates.

The Sacramonte Caves have been inhabited by gypsies for centuries; in this area you will find the true gypsy spirit of the Flamenco dancers and singers. The ceramics made by gypsies make wonderful souvenirs.

The Madraza Palace was once a university under Arab rule and its remarkable Baroque façade will not fail to impress you.

Eating in Granada

The cuisine in Granada is extremely varied; probably the main reason for this is the city’s location - with the sea on one side and the mountains on the other. A delicious dish is the Ajo Blanco cold soup, which has almonds as the main ingredient. The chicken in tomato sauce is another dish that tourists adore, because they say it is delicious.

Having lots of fun in Granada

If you think that all you can do in villa lloret Granada is to go sightseeing, you are wrong. The nightlife is spectacular here and it is a perfect place for young tourists. You can spend some pleasant hours in the bars below the Alhambra sampling the many and varied delicious tapas. When you get bored with the bars in the centre of the city, go to the Sacromonte, where you can enjoy one of the fiestas together with the colorful gypsies.

About Author:-

Welcome to Holiday villas in Spain - A holiday where you can enjoy the comfort of your own vakantiehuizen spanje villa and also receives an abundance of sun, sea and sand and also read my other articles at Brice Corwin.

You can also read my other articles at Brice Corwin.


Villas in Spain for your holiday

If you plan vacations to Spain on a regular basis, then you should join the large number of people who are investing in villas in Spain. If you love the country then these villas provide you a home in the best of scenic localities. The prices are great and in the long run you end up saving a lot more money to spend on yourself and loved ones when on a holiday. There are several such villas in Spain that you can choose from and you are sure to find one that best suits your needs and budget.

You will find that there are villas for the new couple and for the retired ones, those with large families and those who love to entertain. Villas in Spain are of several kinds and you are never short of choice. You could choose from those located by the seaside to those in the center of the busy city. It all depends on what you are most comfortable with. The one thing good about Spain is that there are a lot of activities to indulge in. You can take in the sights, lounge on the beach, have a barbeque, walk downtown for some shopping and take in the culture of the city.
If you plan to buy from the many villas in Spain, it best you do a lot of ground work in your home country before actually settling on something in Spain. Once you have assessed your budget and know how much you want to spend, then you need to get yourself a local agent as well as good legal help. Put together they should know the terrain you are looking at inside out and also know all the legalities involved with getting a home in the area.
You could narrow down on the people offering you ferienhaus lloret de mar  these services based on recommendations by friends and family. You could also look online for those who come with good recommendations and those who have a stable set-up in Spain. Speak to a few people who have dealt with agents so that you know what you are dealing with. Have your contracts in place so that you don’t feel cheated at the end of the sale.

About Author:-

Welcome to clubvillamar, A vacation home rental - Discover the advantages of holiday in a great Spanish villas. Spain offers countless possibilities and Club Villamar chooses to holiday homes in all popular areas of Costa Brava, Costa Blanca, Costa Maresme, Ibiza and Mallorca - the most beautiful ferienhaus spanien in Spain and also read my other articles at Brice Corwin.

You can also read my other articles at Brice Corwin.